General Secretary: Mr. Zahi Mohamad Abou Saleh, Faculty General Secretary |
Phone: (+961) 7 750 190-1-2-3 ext: 107
Fax: (+961) 7 750 199
General Secretary: Mme Leila Fayez Elzein, Branch 1 General Secretary |
Phone: (+961) 7 750 190-1-2-3 ext: 101
Fax: (+961) 7 750 199
Division of Students Affairs: Mme. Jamal Hassan Taan, Head of Department |
Phone: (+961) 7 750 190-1-2-3 ext: 105
Division of Administrative Accountancy: Mr. Zahi Mohamad Abou Saleh, Head of Department |
Phone: (+961) 7 750 190-1-2-3 ext: 107
Administrative Division: Mr. Samer Mohamad Nasereddine, Head of Department |
Phone: (+961) 7 750 190-1-2-3 ext: 132