Mechatronics and Energy Engineering

Mechatronics and Energy Engineering

Pr. Nazir CHEBBO, Coordinator

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The objective is to train technical graduates as well as R&D project managers in the fields of mechatronic product design, instrumentation of electromechanical production systems, and energy management.
The skills acquired must enable the registered students to improve their scientific and technological approach helping them to establish or optimize multi-criteria and multiphase specifications of mechatronics and energy products on one hand; and proceed in their design and optimization on the other hand.
This path is oriented towards both a research and a professional purpose: students will be able to go to industry or pursue their doctoral studies.

L’objectif est de former des cadres techniques et des responsables de projets en Recherche & Développement dans les domaines de la conception de produits mécatroniques et de systèmes de production électromécaniques instrumentés et en gestion de l’énergie.
Les compétences acquises doivent permettre aux étudiants de maîtriser une démarche scientifique et technologique pour, d’une part, établir ou optimiser le cahier des charges multicritères et multiphasiques de produits et de systèmes de production mécatroniques et énergie et, d’autre part, procéder à leur conception ou optimisation.
Ce parcours est orienté à la fois vers une finalité Recherche et vers une finalité Professionnelle : les étudiants pourront ainsi aller dans l’industrie ou poursuivre leurs études en doctorat.


Semestre 1:
Course Code Course Title Credits
MS1ACEL Electric Actuators 4
MS1ANSC Scientific English 3
MS1AUSU Automation and supervision 4
MS1ELAV Advanced Electronics 4
MS1GEPR Project Management 3
MS1MOSM Modeling of Mechanical System 4
MS1PRSY Programmation System 4
MS1TRSI Signal Processing 4
Total: 30 Credits
Semestre 2:
Course Code Course Title Credits
MS2COEL Electromechanical Converter 4
MS2ENRA Advanced Renewable Energy 4
MS2GQEE Electrical Energy Quality and Management 4
MS2MARK Marketing 3
MS2REBI Bibliographic Research 4
MS2INCA Instrumentation and Sensors 4
MS2SYEE Energy Systems and Environment 4
Total: 31 Credits
Semestre 3:
Course Code Course Title Credits
MS3COAV Advanced Automation 5
MS3AQEC Quality Assurance and Eco-Design 4
MS3COMP Accounting 3
MS3ECEI Business and Industrial Economics 4
MS3OPEN Optimization and Energy 5
MS3EENC Electronics for Non-Conventional Energies 4
MS3ENBA Energy in Buildings 4
Total: 29 Credits
Semestre 4:
Course Code Course Title Credits
MS4SEMI Seminars 8
MS4STPR Internships – Project 22
Total: 30 Credits

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