Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

Chapter One: Faculty Mission & Objectives

Article 1: The mission of the Institute stems from the mission of the Lebanese University at the national, scientific and social levels. In particular:

- Serve the society, build the capacity of its people and develop their potential towards achieving their social advancement;

- Achieve differential value of the human capital in its professional and human capacities;

- Transform the society into a knowledge society with its qualified human resources, which keeps abreast of modern, technological and economic developments;

- Contribute to the production and transfer of knowledge through research and innovation within the framework of the common ethics in higher education.

Article 2: Within the framework of the basic tasks of the Lebanese University, the Faculty aims to achieve the following objectives:

1- Provide university education of an applied nature in the studied disciplines, and provide the required theoretical, practical, administrative and technical requirements.

2- Conduct applied research and studies that serve the socio-economic institutions, form the necessary expertise to carry out these activities, and carry out the procedures and activities that contribute to the development of the academic and technical capabilities of the Teaching Staff members and the Faculty employees.

3- Prepare and develop qualified graduates to meet the needs of the labor market and the production and service sectors in a framework of cooperation between the Faculty and the professional sectors.

4- Prepare students to be multi-skilled, able to keep abreast of the innovation in technology, production systems, management and sustainable learning, and acquire the skill of cooperative teamwork through teaching methods and practice.

5- Contribute to raising the professional and technical competencies for some categories of citizens, in cooperation with the relevant institutions and the organization of seminars and training courses, aiming for the Faculty to serve the community.


Article 3: In order to achieve its objectives and accomplish its tasks, the Faculty cooperates with the public and private labor, production and rehabilitation institutions, and the people of knowledge, expertise and workmanship in the provided specializations.

Article 4: The Faculty operates according to a special regulation, in terms of the structure of its administration and the organization of its academic, educational and financial affairs, in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 8741 dated 9 July 1996 under the regulations in force at the Lebanese University.

Chapter Two: Diplomas, Specializations & Departments

Article 5: The Faculty grants the enrolled students the following diplomas in the specializations being studied:

1- Bachelor Degree

2- Professional Master Degree

Article 6: The Faculty provides the following specializations:

1- In the Bachelor Degree:

- Civil Engineering: Buildings and Public Works

- Industrial Engineering and Maintenance

- Network Engineering and Telecommunication

- IT Management

2- In the Master's Degree:

- Civil Engineering: Geotechnical and Environment

- Mechatronic Engineering and Energy

- Communication Systems Engineering

- Information Systems Engineering

Additional specializations or tracks may be created in accordance with the applicable regulations.


Article 7: The curriculum at the Faculty of Technology shall be determined according to the attached tables. These curricula can be modified upon a decision issued by the University President following the approval of the University Council and based on the proposal of the Faculty Council.

Article 8: The Bachelor curriculum includes a graduation project prepared by the student and equivalent to 12 credits and 2 internships equal to 6 credits. A specialized committee shall be duly assigned to study and discuss the written reports of the graduation project and internship.

Article 9: The research master curriculum includes a field study or internship in the field of specialization for at least eight weeks (minimum of 250 working hours), finalized with a thesis prepared by the student and equal to a maximum of 30 credits.


Article 10: In cooperation between the Faculty and the institutions concerned with the internship, the main components of the internship, the duties of the advisor and the person in charge of the process in the institutions shall be determined.


Article 11: The University President shall appoint a committee to discuss the master thesis upon the proposal of the Faculty Dean.

Article 12: The Faculty may seek external experts and specialists to hold scientific seminars in order to enrich the existing specializations in accordance with the provisions of the laws in force.

Article 13: A student, who has completed a bachelor or master's degree in one of the approved specializations or tracks, may register in a second specialization or track, to obtain a second bachelor or master's degree. The Faculty Council shall determine the admission requirements and the required courses for each case, in accordance with the regulations governing the academic affairs of the Faculty and the certificate required to be prepared.


Article 14: The Faculty is composed of the following academic departments:

1- Civil Engineering: Buildings and Public Works

2- Industrial Engineering and Maintenance

3- Network Engineering and Telecommunication

4- IT and Business Management

Chapter Three: Student Admission & Enrollment

Article 15: In order to be admitted to prepare the bachelor degree, the student shall:

1- Be holder of Lebanese Baccalaureate or its official equivalent;

2- Have succeeded in the Competitive Entrance Examination (CEE) organized by a decision of the University Council upon the proposal of the Faculty Council, in which the maximum number of students who may be admitted is identified based on the examination result of each specialization.


Article 16: The CEE referred to above includes written exams in the followings subjects:

1- Mathematics (2 hours) and General Culture (1.5 hours) for IT Management;

2- Mathematics (2 hours), Physics (1.5 hours), General Culture (1.5 hours) for Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Maintenance and Network Engineering and Telecommunication.

Article 17: The candidate's success in the CEE is according to the following:

1- The candidate's average for the specialization of IT Management is calculated according to the following: 80% for the mathematics grade + 20% for the general culture grade;

2- The candidate's average for the specialization of Engineering is calculated according to the following: 50% for the mathematics grade + 30% for the physics grade + 20% for the general culture grade;

3- Candidates shall be classified according to the sequence of their averages and admission of candidates shall be accepted according to the sequence of their success in the CEE and according to the criteria mentioned in paragraphs 5 and 6 herein, without any other consideration and within the limits referred to in Article 15 above;

4- The examining committee shall determine the minimum average of acceptance on the basic lists and the waiting lists at the Faculty in each specialization.

5- The candidate who obtained the minimum average referred to in paragraph 4 herein and above shall be considered to have passed in the IT Management.

6- The candidate who obtained the minimum average referred to in paragraph 4 herein and above shall be considered to have passed in the Engineering. Successful candidates shall be accepted for admission in their first choice and if their order does not allow, they shall be admitted in their second or third choice. These measures shall not apply to students holding a technical baccalaureate certificate, who shall be admitted according to their specialization and to the sequence of their grades in the CEE, without any other consideration, and within the limits referred to in Article 15 above.

Article 18: To enroll in the Bachelor's degree, students passing in the CEE shall be accepted according to the sequence rule referred to in the previous article, and within the limits referred to in Article 15 above.

Article 19: Candidates accepted for enrollment in the first academic year of the Bachelor's degree shall complete their registration within the time limit specified by the Faculty Dean after publishing the results on the Faculty bulletin board, under the loss of their right to enrollment and their replacement with other candidates according to the sequence rule referred to above, and within the limits referred to in Article 15 above.

Article 20: The acceptance of the student to prepare the master's degree within the proposed number of the Faculty Council and approved by the University Council shall include the following:

1- Holding a bachelor's degree from the Lebanese University in the specializations determined by the Faculty Council and issued by a decision of the Dean; obtaining in the bachelor courses a total average of 60/100 or a GPA of not less than 3/5 as per the grading scale adopted at the Lebanese University.

2- The Faculty may accept for the preparation of the master's degree, students from other universities, provided that they are holders of a bachelor's degree at least in specializations determined by the Faculty Council and issued by a decision of the Faculty Dean. They shall also duly obtain the equivalent of such diploma and in the bachelor courses, a total average of 70/100 or a GPA of not less than 3.5/5 as per the grading scale adopted at the Lebanese University without exceeding 20% of the total number of students admitted.

3- The Faculty may conduct a CEE to complete the number of students in the first year of the master's degree, by a decision of the University President, and upon the approval of the University Council.

Article 21: The files of the students applying for the master's degree shall be studied by a committee formed by the Faculty Dean, in accordance with the criteria specified in the previous article and taking into account the practical experience of the candidates.

Article 22: Students admitted for a bachelor or master's degree and who have studied at other universities or another faculty of the Lebanese University, may request the equivalence of some courses they have previously obtained. This request is based on the equivalency system identifying the terms for recognition of credits received outside the Faculty. The equivalency system is issued by the Faculty Dean based on the proposal of the Faculty Council and without contradicting with the general equivalency system at the Lebanese University and without the total balance exceeding (60) credits.

Chapter Four: Enrollment & Attendance

Article 23: The students shall complete two types of enrollment:

- An administrative enrollment done at the beginning of the academic year in accordance with the circulars issued by the Presidency of the University;

- An academic enrollment done at the beginning of each semester in which the student identifies the courses to be taken during the relevant semester and in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth in this bylaws. For this purpose, members of the Teaching Staff shall be delegated by the Faculty Dean to provide academic guidance.

Article 24: The student enrolled at the Faculty shall complete his/her academic registration 3 days before the commencement of teaching in the semester. The student may reconsider to cancel or switch his/her enrollment in three courses at most within a period of ten working days from the commencement of teaching in the semester.

Article 25: The academic enrollment in the courses is performed in accordance with the following rules:

1- The student administratively enrolled for the first time, may register in all courses of the first two semesters (S1 and S2);

2- In the academic enrollment following semesters S1 and S2, the following shall be considered:

a- The student may enroll in all courses of S3 and S4 if he/she has obtained all credits required in S1 and S2.

b- The student, who did not obtain all credits in S1 and S2, shall enroll in the courses remaining from these two semesters. He/she shall complete the enrollment in the courses of S3 and S4, provided that the number of credits in the quarterly enrollment (S1 + S3) or (S2 + S4) does not exceed 36 credits, taking into account the pre-requisite rule.

c- The method and conditions in paragraphs (a) and (b) herein shall apply for enrollment in subsequent semesters.

Article 26: A student may be considered as administratively enrolled in the second academic year if he/she has obtained at least 40 credits of the total courses credits in the first academic year. The student is considered enrolled in the third academic year if he/she has obtained 96 credits of the total courses credits in the first and second years.

Article 27: Each student enrolled for the first time in a course must attend courses in the practical works (TD) and in the tutorials (TP) of the course, if any. The absence of the student from the practical works (TD) or tutorials (TP) does not entitle him/her to compensation for these works in the class to which he/she belongs or in other classes. The student receives a zero on the continuous assessment in the theoretical part of the course if his absence in the (TD) exceeds 40% of the total hours allocated therefore. The student receives a zero for the relevant academic year course, if his/her absence exceeds 40% of the total number of (TP) hours allocated therefore. In this case, the student must re-register in the course and attend the relevant tutorials (TP), in which the absence shall not exceed 40%.

Chapter Five: Evaluation & Examination & Credits

Article 28: The system of continuous assessment and the semester final examinations in all courses related to each semester shall be adopted and the final exam does not exceed two hours.

Article 29: The final exams for each course will be conducted at the end of the semester. The students failing in the first session benefit from a second session determined by a decision of the Faculty Council except for graduation projects and practical training.

Article 30: Written exam is used in the continuous assessment and different assessment methods may be used such as preparation of reports, research, projects or tutorials, after approval by the Faculty Council.

Article 31: The course score is divided as follows:

1- The final score of the practical works (N) is comprised of the continuous assessment score (NP) and final exam score (NF). In order to determine the score, the highest score resulting from the following calculations shall be adopted:

N = 0.8 x NF + 0.2 x NP

N = 0.6 x NF + 0.4 x NP

2- The score of the course including tutorials consists of a score for the tutorial (TP) and another for the theoretical part. The percentage of each part of the final score shall be determined by the number of hours allocated to each part from the course hours.

3- The continuous assessment score in the tutorial (TP) of the course consists of the score average of reports related to the tutorials (TP).

4- The final score of the tutorial (TP) of the course consists of a total divided between 40% for the continuous assessment score (item 3 of herein) and 60% for the final exam score for the tutorial (TP).

5- The advisor shall determine the tutorial scores and the assigned examining committee shall determine the graduation project score and the internship score, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Article 32: The student shall be deemed to have passed a course and obtained the allocated credits if:

- The student obtains a final course score equal to 50/100 at least, or a score below 50/100 and not less than 40/100, provided that he/she has completed his registration in all the semester courses and obtained a weighted general average of not less than 55/100.

- The student obtains the credits of a course according to the compensation system in the first session. The student shall retain such balances, regardless of the semester average in the second or the subsequent sessions.

Upon obtaining the credits of a course, the student is not entitled to re-register or to sit for the examinations for this course at subsequent sessions.

Article 33: The retention of specific scores shall be in the following cases:

- A student who has not obtained the credits of a course, which includes a tutorial, and obtained a score of 50/100 and above in the tutorial, shall retain the tutorial score for the second session of the same academic year.

- A student who has not obtained the credits of a course in the first session of the academic year shall retain the score of the theoretical part for the second session of the same academic year, if he/she obtains a score of 50/100 and above in this part.

- The student shall retain the continuous assessment score in the first session to the second session in the same academic year.

Article 34: In the event that the student fails to sit for a partial exam in the semester for reasons of coercion or force majeure (death of a family member, emergency hospitalization ...) , the Faculty Council shall decide thereupon.

Article 35: The student, who did not sit for the final written exam of a course in the first session, receives a zero regardless of the excuses and reasons. If he/she does not sit for this exam in the second session for reasons of coercion or force majeure (death of a family member, emergency hospitalization), a re-sit exam may be held by a decision of the University President following the proposal of the Faculty Council.


Article 36: The student, who did not sit for the continuous assessment and final exams of a course in the first session, he/she shall not benefit from the second session in this course, except in cases of illness that require discontinuation of study for more than two months, or for reasons of coercion or force majeure (death of a family member, emergency hospitalization), following the approval of the Faculty Council.


Article 37: The late student is not entitled to enter the examination room if the delay exceeds a quarter of an hour. No student is allowed to leave the examination room before half the examination time has elapsed.

Article 38: Any student caught cheating or attempting to cheat shall be deprived of all the courses session, subject to the provisions of the laws in force.


Article 39: The student has the right to submit an application to ensure that there is no material error in a course score, within three days at most from the date of announcing the result of this course. The examining committee shall inspect the student exam under the supervision of the head of the concerned department, the Branch Director or the Dean. If there is a material error, the score shall be amended by the examining committee, which shall prepare a report thereof to be signed by the head of the concerned department and the Branch Manager. The report shall then be submitted to the Dean for approval.

Article 40: The student shall carry out the first internship period referred to in the curriculum of specializations, after being enrolled administratively twice and spending four semesters at the Faculty, provided that he/she has obtained at least 75 credits. The student performs the second internship period referred to in the curriculum of specializations, after being enrolled administratively three times and spending five semesters at the Faculty, provided that he/she has obtained at least 100 credits at the end of the previous academic year.

Article 41: The student shall prepare the graduation project referred to in the curriculum of specializations, after being administratively enrolled three times and spending five semesters at the Faculty, provided that he/she has obtained at least 100 credits at the end of the previous academic year.

Chapter Six: General Provisions

Article 42: The student may transfer from one university branch to another within the Faculty by a decision of the Dean if he/she :

1- Applies for transfer within (15) days at most from the commencement of teaching in the semester;

2- Obtains the approval of both directors of the branches concerned after reviewing the student's file .

Article 43: The practical works (TD) shall be carried out in classes of not more than 24 students each. The tutorials (TP) shall be carried out in classes of not more than 12 students each. The Faculty Council shall decide on extraordinary special cases exceeding the maximum number in the class.

Article 44: The Faculty Council shall decide upon the exceptional cases referred to in the provisions of these bylaws, or in special or exceptional cases, which are not mentioned herein, in accordance with the provisions of the laws, and regulations in force.
